Monday, June 6, 2011

letting go.

It's almost 4 in the morning, and I've been up for a while. The power randomly went out, and thanks to my insomnia, I was able to make sure the husband got up in time. However, having insomnia gives me a whole lot more time to think about things. That is a gift and also a curse. 

The past month I have been thinking about this one specific thing. I knew I had to make a decision, I just didn't want to. This morning, I made that decision. And as much as I wish I could just change everything and make it all okay, I have to realize that I am not superwoman, nor am I God. Everything that has and will happen was meant to, and my making this decision was part of that. 

These lose/lose situations are always shitty. Someone is going to get hurt in the end, and it is usually me. This time, I think it will be both parties, however, I could be wrong. I've been wrong about the person this whole time. But when I actually have to live in fear, that is where I NEED to draw the line. And it took a few people telling me that before I fully understood what they meant.

I don't want to go into detail about the who's and what's.. those of your who I have talked to already know the situation. And if you truly want to know, this will be a private conversation, and not announced to the world via Blogger. Long story short, and minus all the crucial details, I have to say goodbye to a friend for good. Someone who I thought would be sticking around for a while. But my family is more important than a friendship, end of story.

People are not always who you think they are. Some people are really good at hiding things, but in time, their true colors will come out. Sometimes they come out quickly, other times it takes years. Be careful of who you trust. You might just end up in this situation in the end.

Love, Me.

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