Friday, October 7, 2011

conner's 2 year check up

Wow! My baby boy is already 2. We just had his 2 year physical. He's a healthy boy. They didn't tell me what percentile, but said he was right on track now. Currently he is 2' 10" tall and weighing in at 28.2 lbs. He had the same nurse he has had since 6 months old. He remembers her when we go in because of the lizard covering the stethoscope haha. He didn't want his temperature taken so he pretended he had a cough, which made her and I laugh. We told him that means he has to get it done twice and he said 'No, once'.

His vocabulary is incredible for his age. He even counted to 8 for her. I've attempted to get it on video, but he only does it when he wants to. When we saw the doctor, I assumed I was about to have a huge fight over the fact that I no longer want to vaccinate. Conner has violent reactions to them. He gets a lump in his leg that lasts for weeks, along with bruises and fevers that never seem to end. To my surprise, the doctor just said okay. He wants us to get the final Hep A, which I still do not want to do, so I told him I would talk it over with Chris and we'd make a decision based on our research and how we feel about it after that. The only thing he did bring up was the fact that in Texas, even with an exemption form, Conner would not be able to attend public school (including preschool) without the proper vaccinations. Since Conner has a late birthday, he will have to start school late anyway. That gives me at least a few years to figure it all out. We may possibly just be on an alternate vaccination schedule, so that we can see what he is having the reaction to. His next set of shots would not be until 4 years old, so I've got 2 years to set everything up how I feel is appropriate. I also denied to get the flu shot for myself and for Conner. Unfortunately, the Army makes Chris get it. I won't do that to Conner though. There is no need.

One more small update for his appointment. We think he may have developed an allergy to dust. On windy days, his eyes puff up and water, and his nose runs. He was prescribed an antihistamine that we are going to try out for a few weeks to see if the condition improves. On that note, kids are so lucky to get flavored medicine! Haha. That is about all for now. My little man is getting ready to nap (shocking!) so that means mommy gets some cleaning time!

Love, Me.

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