Wednesday, October 12, 2011

be independent and respect the underdog.

There are a few things I wanted to write about, but not make a million posts. First, I'd like to talk about way too dependent military dependents. Obviously this is not a new subject. I've written about it before. But with the upcoming field time, dependents on raging on and on about things. Before you go asking dumb questions, here is a small breif:

  • The unit will not postpone field time so that your husband may go trick-or-treating with the family.
  • The Chain of Command will not let your husband stay home because you are sick
  • The Chain of Command will most likely not keep your husband from a mission because your child is in the NICU. Just be thankful he was there for the birth. Deployed service members miss their children's birth all the time.
  • BAS is for the soldier, therefore you should not freak out if they prorate it and take some for FEEDING YOUR SOLDIER while they are in the field. If your car is going to be repossessed for missing $130, chances are you aren't handling your money correctly in the first place.
  • No, your husband most likely won't get to attend every single OB appointment.
  • No, the CoC will not let your husband stay out of the field because you don't have a drivers license. Either get one, or find some friends willing to help you out.
The stated above are just a few of the genius things I have seen posted to our Garrison Commander's Facebook page. Those things I've had to bite my tongue so hard to not make a fool of myself. I just post 'mission first'. Again I will make this statement - if the military wanted their service members to have a family, they would have issued them one. Yes, they are family oriented, but only to an extent. Learn to be a little independent! How are you ever going to make it through deployment!?

Another thing I wanted to talk about might sound kind of silly. I'm watching the movie Robots with Conner, and the little one asks his dad what he does for a living. He responds that he works in a big, fancy restaurant - as a dishwasher. Then silence. So I say out loud 'Without the dishwasher, there would be no big, fancy restaurant.' Chris looks at me like I'm dumb so I explain it. Without someone to wash the dishes, there would be no clean dishes to serve food, therefore no fancy restaurant because people can't eat. About a year ago, someone I know told me that they refuse to work at a fast food restaurant or a Wal*Mart because 'that's a piece of sh*t job'. But think about it - without a burger flipper or a cashier, there is no fast food joint or a Wal*Mart. So give those people a little respect! Especially those of you who work higher up in a business. Without all your little minions, there is no business. Food for thought. :)

Love, Me.


  1. the trick-or-treating killed me lmao!! The things wives expect!

  2. ....Really? People are ridiculous.
    Side note: working for Walmart sucks because they treat their employees like crap. McDonalds on the other hand, not too bad. Jewel was a great company to work for.
    Love, Megan
