Sunday, September 2, 2012

conner's paint themed 3rd birthday

Usually when you ask a (soon to be) three year old what they want to do for their birthday party, you get an array of answers. Not Conner. He seemed to be waiting for me to ask the question, and quickly told me he wanted a paint party. Alright, we can do that. 

At first I was just going to let kids paint. And then Pinterest happened. I was also very much enabled by my friend Jess, who would find ideas and pass them on to me. Between the two of us, we planned a pretty awesome party! We decided to have it a month early due to all the chaos that will be happening around his actual birthday. Once that was in place, everything came together nicely. 

Since I don't want to end up on hoarders, I've limited myself to keep one item per birthday to be reminded. This year it was a canvas that we had the kids put their handprints on. We had that set up on our goody bag table, which obviously held the goody bags and then the rainbow candy station. Above that was a nice 4 foot picture collage of Conner from birth until now in the shape of the number 3. A last minute thought was to make a 'photobooth'. I used cardstock to make a polaroid type frame which we hung from the ceiling. Added some colorful streamers behind in and made some mustaches and lips. There was a fruit loop necklace station. Who doesn't like edible necklaces?! Our counter was transformed into a 'food for starving artists' area. Included on the menu were hotdogs, pasta salad, candied bacon, paintbrush rice krispies, rainbow cake, funfetti cupcakes, sugar cookies, multi-colored hugs (juice) and "magic" color-changing ice cubes in sprite (made out of koolaid). The kitchen table turned into a finger painting station, complete with paint splatter framed paper and a colorful ceiling decoration of streamers and balloons. 

Overall a very successful party. A HUGE thank you to:
Jess: For being my Pinterest sidekick and finding some awesome ideas for me to use.
Chris and Tetro: For staying up until midnight to help me decorate.
Maranto's, Gamboa's, Hilt's, Felumero's and Snyder: For helping us celebrate and give Conner a day to remember.
And mostly, to Conner: For being the light of my life and making every day something special. <3

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