Sunday, February 5, 2012

superbowl sunday

I don't really care about either of the teams playing, but it sure gives me a good excuse to eat poorly. My in-laws are still here visiting, so we decided we are going to fire up the grill and make some brats. Then of course we have the traditional football snacks. Peanuts, chips and dip, crackers and cheeseballs, little smokies. Only today, I have a gigantic cookie frosted like a football field. YEAH! My pregnant self is going to eat a ton today.

Four years ago, we were watching the same match up with our friends at our first apartment in Illinois. Now we are watching it in Texas. Next year, I'll be watching the Superbowl, most likely alone, in Georgia. It is crazy to think how much has changed in the past 5 years and some odd time together with Chris. We've matured in so many ways. Moved almost every single year. Got married and had a son. Now we're expecting baby #2. Insane. If you were talking to me 4 years ago during the Giants/Patriots match up, I would have given you an entirely different scenario from what I am living today. 

Thinking about watching football alone would probably depress some people. I've come to accept it, though. 1. I love football and 2. Deployment is a part of our life now. I've spent many days, weeks, and even months on my own. It's a little bit of an adjustment, but I know I can do it. I have a few months to prepare for it. Not entirely such exactly how much time, since we won't know when he for sure will be leaving until we actually get to Fort Stewart, but it's not too early to start preparations. I'm not so much worried about myself as I am for his family. They've never dealt with anything like this. I grew up having friends and family in the military, so it's nothing new to me. I have to be strong for my husband and my kids, but also for my extended family. We can do it together. 

My mom finds it terrible that we are so young and already have to worry about living wills. I told her that, military or not, it's a good idea to have a will in place. You just never know what it will be your time. Well.. this blog just turned a little depressing. Sorry! Anyway, we're about to bust open some of this junk and prepare for this afternoon. Even though I don't care for either team, my bet is on the Giants. :)

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