Thursday, May 26, 2011

dear teenage me.

I was just looking through some old photos and remembering back to my middle and high school years. If I could go back in time, I'd have A LOT to say to myself. So, I'll do it now.

Dear Teenage Me, 
I just wanted to tell you that he isn't worth a moment of your time. You might feel like you need him, but things get better, I promise. Please don't go to that party. That is where you will first be introduced to drugs, and will become addicted to one of them for a few years. Teenage me, drinking isn't as cool as it looks. And that guy is going to take away your innocence. Everyone will tell you he is a wonderful person. Don't believe them. You are going to hate the art teacher, and still hold a grudge years later. You are beautiful, and shouldn't change yourself for anyone. It is a good idea to talk to that boy against you-know-who's wishes. He's going to turn out to be your best friend of 8 years (and counting). Don't start self-injuring. It's going to hurt more people than you can imagine. Years later, those scars will make you have to explain yourself over and over again. Never take your friends for granted. You'll lose one of them to suicide, and you will never go a day without wishing you could have seen the signs. Those girls who will spread those awful lies are actually doing you a favor. They are going to prove which people will have your back and know the truth. Try to not get caught up in that wrong crowd. Don't drop out of school. A GED is not looked at the same as a diploma. And me, making that move is going to be the best thing you ever do. Just one thing about that though, you are going to get your heart broken, more than once, from the same person. Whatever happens, you're going to turn out to be a great person, no matter what anyone says. I know. :)

22 year old me.

1 comment:

  1. I love the 22 year old you, but I'm sure I would've loved the teenage you too <3
