Monday, September 19, 2011

it could always be worse.

Ever since we got into the military, this has been a huge thing that I just don't understand. There are wives/girlfriends/etc. who complain constantly about a little field time. 'My husband is leaving for 2 weeks. I can't sleep without him at night. What am I going to do!?' I can tell you what you are going to do. Suck it up, cupcake. Welcome to the military life. It's 2 freaking weeks, it could be worse! 

This year alone, my husband has done a 7 week field deployment, and a couple handfuls of 1 week and 2 week field deployments on top of several CQ/Staff Duty shifts. He's about to go on another 7 week field deployment. He will be home for a whole 4 days, out of that time period, and that is only if he is lucky enough to not have guard duty (which he will, he always does). So maybe 2 or 3 days he will be home. 

Now, I wasn't going to post this on any social networking sites. Why? Because I have already talked to family, and that is who really needs to know. But after waking up this morning and seeing several of the 'I don't know if I'll survive these 2 weeks without my husband' statuses on Facebook, I feel the need to show them that IT REALLY COULD BE WORSE! 

I went to the hospital to do some testing last Monday. That is when I got my official diagnosis for GERD. I had a follow up on Friday morning to get a refill of my medication and go over the results. I was expecting to walk in and hear 'Yep, it's definitely GERD. Here is your refill. See you in 3 months for another follow up.' but instead I hear this:

'We need to do further testing. We found some masses in your stomach and esophagus that are not ulcers and we need to biopsy them for possible cancer. It could be nothing, but we'd rather be on the safe side that way if it is cancer, we caught it early enough to treat it.'

Yea, I'm 22 years old and am about to be put through a procedure to biopsy the masses in my stomach and esophagus to be tested for cancer. And guess when this falls? During the time that my husband will be gone to the field. Am I going to bitch and moan? Nope. I already found someone who is willing to watch Conner and a handful of people willing to take me to the hospital, wait there through the procedure, then take me home and help me out that day while the anesthesia wears off. Chris might actually be here for the procedure, if I am lucky enough and my referral goes through soon. However, he definitely will not be there when I get the results. I have to go through all that time with him worrying and me a nervous wreck. 

So don't sit there and bitch and complain about how you are going to have such a hard time without your husband there. Get over it and realize that this is how the military works. They have to train. Would you rather them go on a deployment without that training? And that is another thing. If you can't handle a measly 2 weeks, how are you ever going to be able to handle a 9, 12, 15 (or maybe even longer) month deployment? Put your big girl panties on. If the military wanted them to have wives, they would have issued them one. In other words, the mission comes before you.

Love, Me.

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