Thursday, June 20, 2013

pro-life vs pro-choice

Don't let the title scare you. I'm here to get my feelings out. Because it's my blog and I can. And I will post it to Facebook because it's my Facebook and I can. I will probably upset some people. I'm okay with that. Will I lose some friends? Maybe. If I do, sorry that they felt they couldn't accept me for me. I want to talk about pro-life vs pro-choice. Particularly, what they both mean. Before you jump to conclusions and say this is a stupid post since one obviously means life and the other death, hear me out.

Pro-choice =/= Pro-abortion. Simply stated, just because I consider myself pro CHOICE, does not mean I want someone to run out and get an abortion. What it means it that I do not have the power to tell someone what they can or can not do with their body. I don't think the government should be able to tell anyone what they can or can not do.

Pro-life =/= Pro-life. Huh? Yep. 9 times out of 10, any person I speak to who considers themselves pro-life are actually just anti-abortion. What do you mean by that, Amber? Let me give you a few examples of why I say this.

Example #1: Susan calls herself pro-life. She is your typical woman in almost every aspect, except that she is completely against homosexuals*. The thought of them absolutely disgusts her and she considers homosexuality a sin. She thinks homosexuals do not deserve to live like the rest of us. They shouldn't even be allowed to be in the public eye, because they might pass the gay on to someone else. Susan gets pregnant. Of course, Susan is going to keep this miracle. God** gave it to her, after all. He chose her to be the mother of this child. Fast forward 16 years. Susan's son (or daughter) tells her (s)he is gay. She is appalled. Susan will do one of two things here - the first being that she's fine with it, but her son/daughter shouldn't get to do the every day things like she has been able to, like getting married or having children OR she completely disowns her son/daughter. Ms. Susan... you are NOT pro-life. You are anti-abortion. If you were pro-life, you would still fight for your son/daughter's rights to live like a human being. In either choice you make here, you are not allowing your child to have a life of their own. Only a life that you WANT them to have.

Example #2: Susan calls herself pro-life. She is your typical woman in almost every aspect. except she is also pro-death penalty***. Her argument is that a embryo/fetus/baby is innocent, and someone on death row is not. Ms. Susan, you are NOT pro-life. You are anti-abortion. First, let me point out that many people are put in prison, and even on death row, who are completely innocent. Second, how incredibly contradicting that you believe that a woman shouldn't have the choice to remain pregnant or not, as you believe she would be taking a life, when you also believe that you and your peers (jury, judge, justice system, what-have-you) have the choice to condemn someone to death, thus taking a life. Seriously just take two seconds to look at your two claims side by side. Pro-life/Pro-death penalty. See the flaw?

Now, of course I know that there are plenty of people who consider themselves pro-life who are also for equality for all and against the death penalty. Like I mentioned before, 9 out of every 10 people I know who are "pro-life" are not TRULY pro-life.

*I am an avid supporter of equality for women, children, men, homosexuals, heterosexuals, transgender, half person/half alien. Whatever. We're all here, we all are humans (minus the alien half breed) and we all deserve to be treated equally.

**I am not religious. I used to be. In my personal experience, I have found MOST religious people, no matter what denomination, to be very hypocritical. I found myself questioning more practices, scripture, faith in general. So I choose to not practice in any religion. I believe in nothing. I find it all interesting, but I don't have that faith required to believe. That would be like me trying to convince you that the Doctor is real, which you probably would think I am crazy for, and telling you that you have to have faith that he exists. You would tell me that I'm being ridiculous and I can't PROVE to you that he exists. (That's a joke, btw)

***I am against the death penalty for two reasons. 1. I do not have any power to decide that someone should be put to death.**** 2. A lot of people who truly are guilty would prefer you put them to death. For them, it's the ultimate freedom, the ultimate escape. They will no longer have to be physically here to see their consequences of whatever they did. I'd rather them die naturally and have to think constantly of whatever it is they did.

****But you are pro-choice! How can you say that you don't have the power to decide if someone dies. Erm, read above. Pro-choice =/= Pro-abortion.*****

*****I know there are some reading this who know me and are yelling "You had an abortion, though!" Yes, I did. Doesn't mean I want others to run out and have one done. Do I think about it? All the time. Do I feel bad about it? Sometimes. Do I ever wonder what would have happened? No. I know what would have happened. I would have died, and the cluster of cells inside me, that would eventually become a fetus and then a baby, would have died along with me. You don't know someone's situation. You don't know what they go through to come to their decision. And you do not have the power to dictate what someone can/can't do with their body. If you would ever like to ask me about it, I am comfortable talking to you about it privately. I will tell you why, how I came to my decision, how I felt, how I feel now, how others involved felt, etc. Anything you want to know. I will understand if you want nothing to do with me, and I will be happy if you decide to still be in my life. If you choose the former, I'll be sad to see you go, but I will not let myself become depressed over it. I've learned that people come into your life for one reason or another. Some for a short time, some forever. I am completely okay with both.

I would also like to note that if you have gone through or are currently going through any of the above situations, you can talk to me. Completely confidential. Now bring on the backlash.

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