Monday, October 10, 2011

team bliss vs wbc

Ever since I can remember, I've always wanted to counter protest Westboro Baptist Church. Today, I got my chance.

Last night, a friend had posted a WBC flier in a group I am in on Facebook. I instantly took the information and posted it to and COL Joe Wants To Know. Another friend called up KFOX and another one sent it to News Channel 9. Within minutes, everyone was posting it and the word was getting out. I was chatting with people under my original post and we had decided to show up before 9am, since the WBC flier said they would be there at 9:15am. When I first got there, there were maybe 25-30 people. Half an hour later, hundreds! We all lined the street and the median. WBC would have no chance! 

We never saw them at the church. Someone reported that they had posted up a few blocks away at a playground. I'm sure they saw us all and didn't want to come up there. After the procession got there, someone said that WBC had packed up in their vans and headed to the cemetery. So that is where we all went. Again, we lined the streets. They were not there. Apparently a few of them were, and once we all started showing, they ran off.

This has been the most touching thing I have ever been a part of. The news stations estimated about 1,000 of us. Soldiers, spouses, children, El Paso residents, and Patriot Guard. Apparently my sign was a big hit. At least 5 of them came with their cameras to get close ups, and tons of random people asked to take pictures of it. I also did an interview. I will post that as soon as I get a chance. The pride I felt in our community today can not be written down. The one moment that will never leave my mind is when the procession was driving into the cemetery and SSGT Diaz's mother was crying and said 'thank you' through the window. Simply amazing.

Love, Me.

1 comment:

  1. They were supposed to show up at our school when we had the memorial from the shooting. I never saw them. I guess 10,000+ students can be kinda intimidating.
