Wow! A whole 4 weeks has already passed by. It seems this pregnancy is going very quickly. I'm sure all of these appointments and the anticipations of a visit home and moving have something to do with it. I've already posted about a lot of the issues we ran into within the past month, so I'll just briefly update with the results I have on some of those. First, here is the tiny bump finally starting to form, although I am still losing weight. Sitting at -6 pre-pregnancy weight right now.

The 3 hour glucose came back normal, so no hypoglycemia like we had predicted. They still want me to continue to monitor my blood sugar because it helps a lot to visually see when I need to eat. I have to eat every few hours to try to keep it up. I've taken to carrying small snacks and bottles of juice with me when I go out in case I have a random crash. My thyroid is also alright. All of my bloodwork is fantastic. I opted out of the genetic testing. The way I see it is that I will love this baby no matter how he/she is when born, so there is no need for me to know ahead of time. Plus, my poor arms are spent from needles, so unless absolutely necessary, no more of those until labor.
My EKG and EEG we not exactly what they wanted, so their fear of possible seizure activity has not been ruled out. They referred me to have a sleep study done, but unfortunately nobody here can get me in until the very end of April or beginning of May. We have so much going on in those last few weeks with the movers coming and finishing up paperwork for Chris to clear, that there is no way we can squeeze any of those appointments in. They have officially been put on hold until I get to Fort Stewart.
I did test positive for Group B strep in my urine. No, this is not the same as strep throat. I was told not to look on the internet, but of course that made me want to google it even more. I am on antibiotics the next 7 days and have to have antibiotics in an IV drip while in labor since it can pass to baby in the birth canal. It's not like this is a super rare thing. About 25% of healthy women can be a carrier of it. It's just better that we've figured it out now so that we can get the proper treatments in order, because it could be fatal to the baby in the uterus or if it's transferred during delivery. It can cause miscarriage and stillbirth. It also can, if passed during delivery, cause meningitis in the infant, which ultimately could cause baby to die. The chances are VERY small, and mostly only exist if not treated, but they do still exist, so I'm taking any steps necessary to attempt to prevent the transfer of it to baby. This means that yes, I will be delivering in a hospital so that myself and baby can be watched before, during and after delivery. I'm completely content with this.
I have still not been seen by the cardiologist for the halter monitor study. I have an appointment on April 16 for that. Hopefully they don't want to do a study longer than 15 days, or I will have to put that on hold, too. I also have one more OB appointment in 3 weeks (April 25). I will not be receiving another ultrasound here at WBAMC since I need my medical records for when we are travelling and it will be cutting it super close to us leaving since they don't do another one until 20 weeks. Chey told us about a place in Las Cruces, NM that is very cheap who does gender scans, so I set up an appointment with them. Thankfully, they do them on weekends which helps me out tremendously since I'm technically not supposed to be driving until all of this testing is complete. It also means Chris and Conner can be there! We go to that on April 21st.
Aside from all of that, the only other update I have is a heart rate. I've gotten to hear the heart beat twice. Both times it was 160. Seems this little one isn't a fan of the doppler, just like big brother. Takes forever to get a good reading, but it's there. I've also felt baby a few times, and he/she definitely prefers one side over the other. I still don't have much of an appetite, but have to eat every few hours to keep my blood sugar level good. The things I prefer to eat are dairy or citrus. So now I'm able to do a few more gender predictions before our big scan. According to these, our new team total is: