Thursday, January 24, 2013

Conner's New Year Interview - Age 3

A friend of mine posted her son's birthday interview, and I thought it would be cute to ask Conner all the questions to see what he says. In October I will start on his birthday. 

1. Color of my hair: Um, brown.
2. Color of my eyes: White.
3. My favorite food is: I don't know. Wait, I like eating, oh yea! Peanut Butter Jelly's.
4. My favorite drink is: Grape Juice.
5. My favorite fruit is: Cherries. 
6. My favorite cereal is: Cheerios in milk.
7. My favorite treat is: Superhero gummies.
8. One food I really do not like is: Oh man. Oh man. I broke my truck! Sorry baby Lucas. (LOL)
9. My favorite song is: Warehouse mouse on my guitar, alright?
10. My favorite color is: Oh my, alright. I'll tell ya mommy. It's my favorite color. Special, mommy. Cheeseburgers mommy. The color of cheese.
11. My favorite animal is: A cow. Cow's say MOOOOOO.
12. My favorite book is: Dinosaur one. 
13. My favorite toy is: Racecars.
14. My favorite game is: Racecar games. Yea, I like the racecar games. 
15. My favorite store is: Um, the stores with the bicycles. 
16. My favorite movie is: Puppies. (Santa Paws)
17. My favorite tv show is: Einstein's. Rocket flies like an airplane! (Little Einstein's)
18. My favorite holiday is: Halloween.
19. The thing I love most to do with Mommy: play with dump trucks. 
20. The thing I love most to do with Daddy: umm, daddy is right there. On the shelf. With mommy, baby Lucas and Conner.
21. My best friends are: Mater is my best friend.
22. The thing I love to do outside: Play with trucks outside.
23. My favorite thing to do is inside is: Races.
24. The coolest person in the world is: Conner! Go away, Sirius. (Oh, that's typical LOL)
25. My favorite part of school/the day is: Flowers. They smell good. I love flowers, mommy. A bunch of flowers!
26. The thing I do most awesomely is: Oh, Sirius, you're here again. Um, what is it? A surprise. 
27. When I grow up I’m going to be: Ummmm Army guy. Like daddy! And Snyder. And Anthony. 
28. The place I want to go to the most is: Over there to the back yard.
29. If I had one wish it would be: Hmm, a present.
30. My best memory is: Ohhh, it's in my bag. Gabba bag. Do you like it?

And that, my friends, is a little look into the mind of my rambunctious 3 year old.

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