Monday, December 31, 2012

2013 resolutions

Hello, 2013. I knew the world was not going to end, but ya know.. some people believe anything. Anyway, now that you're gracing us with your presence, I just wanted to let you know what is going to happen this year. Ready?

First and foremost, taking time for me. GASP! How dare I say that! But really. I spend so much of my time doing things for everyone else, that I sometimes (a lot of times) forget that I need to do things for me, too. So this year I have decided that once a month I have to do something for me. Even if that something is just taking a nice, long bath and reading a book. It doesn't have to cost money, it just needs to be me time.

Bring us to date night. I can count on one hand the number of times Chris and I have been on an actual date. Having kids is beyond anything we could ever want, but without close-knit parents, kids won't be as happy. Again, I declare that once a month we HAVE to have a date night. Unless the Army decides he has to be gone for a month. Then we work it around that. I have prepared and prepaid for most of these dates. They are in envelopes to be randomly drawn on said date night. Whatever we draw from the pile is what we'll do.

And on that note, we have the kids. My biggest vice right now is the internet. Being that we have all forms of technology in this house, I'm always connected somehow. So this year, I want to change that. No more television for background noise. Conner can watch a few shows a day. I only have two shows I watch anyway. Chris can watch football. Aside from that, TV off. Once Chris gets home, weekends are family time. Of course there will be times that we have people over or go to someone else's house but we really need to focus on being a family. Doing fun things that doing involve staring at a screen of some sort.

Financially, I have HUGE plans. Although some of those are a surprise, and I don't want to chance my husband seeing this post and discovering them, so I'll leave those secret. My biggest hope for this category is that we will stick to the budget, which I've worked very hard on!

GET MY SH*T TOGETHER! This is a big category with a bunch of random things thrown in it. One being that "lose weight". I don't want to look at it like that, though. The number on the scale shouldn't define me. I'm looking at it as getting healthy. Making a lifestyle change to better myself, and in the long run, bettering my children. I want to continue working on organization in the house. I also need to stop finding the negative and focus more on the positive. Every day is good. I just have to find the good in them.

Finally, memories. I'm about to become that lady who scrapbooks. In a modern way. I plan to document this year so that we can look back and see all the fun things we did, the obstacles we overcame and the hopes we have for the future. I wish I would have done this from the beginning.

That's about it for now, 2013. As you can see, I'm dreaming big this year. I'm ready to take you on full force. But most of all, I'm ready for it to be July so I can have my husband back home! 

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