Saturday, November 3, 2012

it's been a while. update

Well, an awful lot has happened since I updated last. We officially made it through a whole month of deployment. Yay! I've also been working very hard to attempt to relactate to continue my breastfeeding relationship with Lucas. Unfortunately, I haven't had a whole lot of a progress. I let my nipples heal up and only nursed once a day. My supply is basically gone. It was gone within a few days. I had been drinking Mother's Milk Tea, Fenugreek Seed Tea, taking prenatals, eating oatmeal every morning, and even tried lactation cookies. Nothing. I've been working with the IBCLC on it. I've tried working with two different pumps. With those, I produce a whopping .25 ounces a day. Not per session, for the entire day. I know that baby can extract the milk way better than a pump, but that is still pretty depressing. My last hope is the SNS.  SNS stands for supplemental nursing system. The general idea is that he will still be on the donor milk (which I have been incredibly blessed with nearly 350 oz) and eating it through a tube that is taped to my breast. So he is stimulating my nipples and getting whatever milk I am producing, along with the donor milk. If that doesn't work, then I know I have done absolutely everything I could. At that point, I will accept it and just hope on everything that I can continue to find generous ladies to provide donor milk so he doesn't have to be on formula all the time.

Speaking of formula, it tears him apart. I am 99.9% sure he has reflux like I do. He spits up constantly, even on breastmilk. But ever since he has been on formula, his poor stomach is so upset. It gets rock hard and he has trouble pooping and burping. It breaks my heart. I have nothing against formula, but it just hurts him. I have been trying to get him in to see a doctor to get on a different formula (WIC requires a prescription to switch it to a soy formula), but that is a different part of the story. He has his 2 month appointment on November 15. 

Appointments. Someone, somewhere in the TRICARE office messed up his paperwork. We filled it out to keep him on Prime. According to the appointment line, he was switched to Standard and had to be seen off post. So I have to go into TRICARE and figure out what happened. We got that all fixed. But now the appointment line is giving me issues with making him an appointment for the reflux. They say they don't make appointments for that ahead of time and I had to call every day to see if there was a same day appointment. I know this is crap and that if there isn't an available appointment they can refer me to an urgent care, but they won't.

Conner has been having a hard time lately. I do not understand why, but it's been rough. He has been intentionally going to the bathroom in his pants. He's been potty trained for a year. Anytime he sees a guy in uniform and we are in the car, he tries to rip off the carseat buckle to get to that person. He's super mouthy, refusing to eat his food, fights me on EVERYTHING. I'm at my wits end. I honestly do not know how to handle it and I hate that feeling. 

As for myself, aside from the breastfeeding issues, I've had more health issues come up. I haven't been open about them because I don't want my husband to freak out. It scares me, but I know I have to deal with it as it comes and just hope it gets better. Trying my hardest to stay positive. For the moment, I have nothing more to update. 

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