Saturday, September 8, 2012

pregnancy week 38

We have some progress! I do have a couple little updates, but nothing too significant.

-Heartbeat is still strong and good
-Little man seems to be head down
-1 cm dilated, 50% effaced
-Swelling is occurring big time in my hands and feet
-BH still going on, but nothing consistent or frequent 

Lucas seems pretty comfortable right where he is. I am pleased to hear that a little dilation has occurred. That's right where I was with Conner when I went to be induced at 40 weeks. We are trying to avoid any induction this time and hoping to go into labor naturally on my own. I'm not pushing it too hard, since I don't want to force my body into labor before it's ready. Walking, cleaning the house, bouncing on the birthing ball and a pedicure are about as far as I'm willing to push right now. We still have 2 more weeks before his 'estimated' birthday. I do hope he decides to come by then, just so Chris can get some time with him. 

I don't remember if I mentioned it in the 37 week update, but we found a doula, Angela, who will be attending our big day. I'm so glad that I spotted her post in a cloth diaper group we are both in. I've gotten so much information from her and I don't feel as anxious as when I'm alone with the doctors. I've come to realize that doctors seriously intimidate me. I want to have the most natural birth experience I can in a hospital setting, and with the support of Chris and Angela, I'm certain I can do it without feeling guilted or bullied into anything by the nurses and doctors. I have my birth plan written and revised to exactly how I want it. I haven't shared it because I don't want to feel like a failure if something doesn't turn out how I want it to be. I will share it for sure, in it's entirety, whenever I post my birth story. 

1 comment:

  1. I hear doulas are AMAZING. Good for you, I know you can do it:)))
