Wednesday, September 14, 2011

BIG changes

After getting my official diagnosis, Chris and I started talking about making changes to help me adjust to a new diet. Instead, we made a huge decision to make a lifestyle change and become vegetarian. I've been doing my research and while I think it might take a bit of getting used to, I know this is the right choice. 

Chris was the hard one to get on board. Conner is still little, so it will be easier to change his eating habits. Chris loves meat, though. He's a man. Grilling is what he does. I showed him the veggie burgers and how there are a ton of variations, and he is now willing to at least try it. If he doesn't like it, I'll make meat for them while I stay vegetarian. If he does decide to remain a vegetarian with me, he wants one exception - Thanksgiving. No problem.

Since we are making this change now, Conner's birthday is going to be affected. I found an awesome recipe for vegan cupcakes! Seems super easy. I also found a vegan icing recipe, so I can make my own. We had previously decided on hot dogs as the main part of the food (because of the hot dog dance) and WE CAN STILL DO THAT! They make vegetarian hot dogs. No meat, but it still tastes delicious. And if they don't read this blog, I doubt they'll even notice.

I am really excited to start this new journey. I have found quite a few recipes that I can't wait to try. When I have my follow up on Friday, I'm going to ask to see a dietician to help us properly adjust to the new lifestyle we've chose. Let's do this!

Love, Me.

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