Hello blogging world! So, today I went on my bi-weekly grocery shopping trip. We chose Wal*Mart this time since I needed to pick up a few random things like black printer ink. There were a few things about this trip that made me want to blog. Here goes.
When did being a decent person go out the window? We were walking around gathering the things we need (I just made us sound like Indians gathering corn or something, haha) and this poor old man is trying to reach something on the top shelf and having a very (obvious) difficult time doing so. There are at least 2 Wal*Mart employees in this aisle, and countless shoppers. Most people were walking past, pushing into him, and making faces and rude remarks as they passed him by. So I stop and help him reach the item. He was very kind and said thank you. I felt the need to apologize for everyone else's rude behavior.
Shopping carts.. is it REALLY that hard to put the cart in the cart return!? There is a reason that there are at least 2 in the aisle you are parked in. I bet America could take a small step in becoming less obese if we just returned the carts! I always feel an obligation to gather loose carts around my car and return them. Today, there were 4 in this one spot. What if someone needed that spot? Chances are, the parking lot would rarely, if ever, be at full capacity, but still! Rude.
Pedestrian right of way. Hello, you learned this in high school. This doesn't mean 'speed up and pray I don't hit someone'. It means that if there is someone about to cross, hit that brake and wait for them to. It's not that hard, and it won't take up that much of your time. Doubtful that you are in that much of a hurry to get somewhere.
Dear cashier, I realize that your job is highly repetitive and most of your customers probably suck, but would it kill you to smile? I come up, all happy and such, and you totally kill the happy buzz by rudely asking me if I found everything okay. Of course I did, otherwise I would have asked someone. In that case, I also would have found everything okay, because someone helped me. Now I just want to pay for my stuff and be on my way. But if I am nice to you, be nice to me. Nothing says 'I hate my job' like a scowl on your face and a rude tone. Oh, and wearing glitter is totally a middle school dance thing. Doesn't look cute on a 40+ lady. Just sayin'. :)
Alright, that is all for this blog. Keep it classy, people. Don't be a jerk.
Love, Me.