Yesterday morning I woke up with my throat a tiny bit sore. It wasn't bad enough even for a cough drop, so I didn't think too much of it. I went about my day and it didn't bother me at all. Last night, my neighbor came over. They were in a bit of a bind, so her and I went food shopping while the guys stayed at my apartment and watched the Dunk Contest with the kids. While I was there, I got a random burst of heartburn. Odd, since I had nothing different than I do every day. Then last night as I was laying down, my throat hurt a little bit more. I took tylenol and went to bed. I couldn't sleep for anything. In the middle of the night I woke up and my throat was so swollen. It's so bad you can just look at me and see how awful it is. I sound like walking death. My ears hurt now and I've had a headache. The swelling in my throat caused me to throw up (it was really just a bunch of phlegm since I hadn't eaten anything) and my nose is stuffy. Why now!? I have an appointment on Friday with the throat specialist and I'm pretty sure if I am still sick, they can't do anything. So if this isn't better by tomorrow, I'll be getting a referral to urgent care. Ugh.
On top of feeling like crap, I have to get these signs finished for next weekend. I need to do them while Chris is here, because Conner won't let me paint when it's just me and him. Which gives me the rest of today and then tomorrow to finish an example of a duty station sign, an example of the childrens wall plaque and bow holder, an example and a few cash and carry's of deployment/field countdown signs, and an example and a few cash and carry of our new product (which I am not saying here, as I want it to be a surprise when I post pictures). That is a lot of work. At least Chris got all of the cutting and sanding done yesterday and the base paint of most of them are done. The stenciling is the hardest part though. Very time consuming. But it will get done, and I'm praying we have a great turn out at this bazaar and that we get more business. For now, I'm going to have some soup and relax for a minute.
Love, Me.